Organic Cumin and Mint Mango Chutney

Tangy, sweet, salty, spicy and minty! A combination of amazing ingredients results in this beautiful to look at and amazingly delicious chutney, a must have condiment for summers!


I medium sized green mango, peeled, cored and diced

1/2 medium sized ripe mango, peeled, cored and diced

1/4 inch ginger, diced

2 cloves garlic

1 bunch of mint leaves

4 green chilies, fresh (use as many or as few as you can tolerate) or one jalapeno

Salt to taste

1 tablespoon olive oil

Juice of 1/2 lime/ lemon

1 teaspoon of Organic Ground Cumin


Add everything in a blender and whir away until well blended. Add water, a couple of tablespoons or just enough to get the mixture to blend.

Refrigerate for upto 2 weeks. 

Slather onto buttered bread, in a sandwich, enjoy with Kebabs, add to salads or even use as a marinade for fish and chicken! Enjoy the abundance of flavors from nature.

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Join us at the ASB kitchen for a holistic wellness workshop THIS SATURDAY, November 4, featuring yoga and mindfulness practice, cooking demonstrations, Ayurvedic wellness consultations and more! In-person and virtual options are available.

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